QTE Manufacturing Solutions Statement on CNC Software/Sandvik Acquisition
CNC Software, owners of Mastercam, announced yesterday that they have joined with Sandvik AB. The news comes after a long and successful manufacturing partnership.
This decision was carefully considered to ensure continued success for current and future customers of both companies. Sandvik AB shares the passion for manufacturing that drives both Mastercam and QTE Manufacturing Solutions. With the combined resources and expertise, Mastercam’s goal is to expand CAM programming power for manufacturers everywhere and stay at the front of developing machining techniques.
“We are excited at the future opportunities with Mastercam’s acquisition by Sandvik. With the growth of Industry 4.0 initiatives, this helps solidify Mastercam’s place in the global market with its niche in CNC programming. New opportunities to build its strengths with the additional resources and knowledge available through Sandvik’s portfolio of companies can lead to a significant advantage for all of our customers,” said Jason Quinn, president of QTE Manufacturing Solutions. “We do not anticipate any changes in the delivery of our expertise to our customers and we are operating business as usual. We are happy to address any questions or concerns. You can reach out to anyone on our team, including myself.”
The acquisition is expected to close in the 4th quarter of 2021, pending regulatory approvals.
Click here to read the full statement released by Mastercam.
About QTE Manufacturing Solutions
At QTE Manufacturing Solutions, we serve CNC manufacturers in Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Before we make a software recommendation, our experts will get to know your current equipment and expectations. Based on our analysis, we will make recommendations that will eliminate problems and advance your business.
But that’s just the beginning. Our customers have access to our support team so they always know how to use the software. Our solutions offer CAM software licenses and all-inclusive training packages to help put users on a fast track to becoming more competitive. We also sponsor various local events where our customers can learn about aspects of Mastercam. We invite you to join our Online network and community, where you will have access to the Mastercam Forum, Reseller support, EMastercam, Titans of CNC, and more.
QTE is a leading Mastercam CAD/CAM solutions and Verisurf Metrology solutions software reseller focused on helping CNC manufacturers solve challenges and optimize machining operations. Our job is to help you master yours. This way you can produce more parts and open new growth opportunities, by reducing CAD/CAM programming, and inspection time. To learn more about how we can help optimize your CNC machines, call QTE today at 877-429-5708. Click here to set up a call to discuss a quote.