Mastercam 2017 is sunsetting.Don’t lose the chance to update your valuable CAD/CAM investment.
With the upcoming release of Mastercam 2022, Mastercam 2017 will sunset. Although you may continue to useMastercam 2017, updates and support will no longer be available. You can keep those benefits by updating to thecurrent version of Mastercam, at a fraction of the cost of purchasing the latest version outright.
If you act in the next few months, you have the opportunity to gain dramatic savings and revolutionary, industry-changingtechnologies for your CNC manufacturing needs.Mastercam 2017 was cutting edge technology when it was released, but valuable productivity improvements have beendeveloped across the entire suite of Mastercam solutions — including advances in our breakthrough Dynamic Motion®and Accelerated Finishing® technologies.Here are some highlights since Mastercam 2017 that you can add to your CAD/CAM capabilities when you update now:
2018 Mastercam
- Sandvik Coromant PrimeTurning™ support
- 3D High Speed Toolpath workflow
- Solid Sweep
- Center Support
- Mastercam Mill Contour enhancements
2019 Mastercam
- New Deburr Toolpath for Multiaxis
- PrimeTurning™ Toolpath
- New Model Chamfer Toolpath for 2D machining
- Solid Hole function
- 3D Tool support
- Advanced Toolpath Display
2020 Mastercam
- Solid Push-Pull-Copy
- Mill-Turn Component Library
- Holemaking Consolidation
- Chuck Jaw support
- Mill Open Region Chaining
- 3D Blend Toolpath
2021 Mastercam
- Edit Reflow Surface UV meshes
- Wrap bounding box
- Solid Hole Creation, Recognition, and Editing
- Mill-Turn Collet support
- Custom Threading Toolpath
- 3D Tooling, Multiple Insert support
- 3+2 Automatic Toolpath
- Swiss Solution
- Multiaxis Pocket Toolpath
2022 Mastercam
- 3D Dynamic OptiRough included with Mill/ Router products (Entry excluded)
- More Powerful and Flexible 3D Linking
- Optimize Cut Order for Blend and Waterline Toolpaths
- Unified Multiaxis Toolpath
- Mesh functions and support for Mesh Bodies
- Mill-Turn Steady Rest support
- Collision Checking in Hole Making Toolpaths